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Asep Setiawan, Bambang Eko W., Fuad Hasan, Raden Herdian B.A., Yanyan Agustian, Sandy Radhitya A

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Yanyan Agustian Raden Herdian Bayu AshShiddiq Asep Setiawan
Scopus ID, Researchgate Scopus ID, Researchgate Scopus ID, Researchgate
Bambang Eko Widyanto Fuad Hasan Sandy Radhitya Akbar
Scopus ID, Researchgate Scopus ID, Researchgate Scopus ID, Researchgate


No. Author Artikel
1 Yanyan Agustian, S.T., M. Eng., Ph.D Koseki, J., Yoshimine, Mi., Hara, T., Kiyota, T., Wicaksono, R.I., Goto, S., and Agustian, Y., (2007), Damage Survey Report On May 27, 2006, Mid Java Earthquake, Indonesia,Soils and Foundations, Vol.47, No.5, pp. 973-989.
Agustian, Y., Setiawan, A., Siddiq, RHBA., (2020), Retaining Wall Reinforcement of Road Hill Slope of Selacau-Lagadar, West Bandung : A Case Study, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 4307-4316.
Agustian, Y., Setiawan, A., Siddiq, RHBA., (2020), Lateral Deformation Estimation on Deep Excavation by Using Elasto-plastic Calculation, Solid State Technology 63 (3), 3713-3721
Agustian, Y., Setiawan, A., Siddiq, RHBA., (2020), Estimation and Controlling of Excavation Wall Deformation Using Elasto-plastic Calculation with Nonlinear Ground Considerations, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,24(2), pp.7260-7270
Agustian, Y., (2019), The Behivior of Frozen Scoria in Unconfined Compression Test, Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7 (3A), 65-69
Agustian, Y., Hasan, F., Siddiq, RHBA., (2019), Land Subsidence of Kanto Plain Detection Using JERS-1 SAR Interferometry, Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7 (3A), 65-69.
Agustian. Y and Goto, S., (2008), Strength and deformation characteristics of scoria in triaxial compression at low confining stress, Soils and Foundations 48 (1), 27-39
Agustian. Y and Goto, S, (2008), Undrained cyclic shear behaviour of reconstituted scoria deposit, Soils and foundations 48 (6), 851-857
2 Raden Herdian Bayu AshShiddiq, S.T., M.T Siddiq, RHBA, (2020), Analysis of Water Pollution Status In Singkarak Lake West Sumatra Province, Indonesia, Solid State Technology 63 (3), 3202-3207.
Siddiq, RHBA., Widyanto, B.E., Akbar, S.R., (2020), Flood Control with Retention Pond in Manjahlega Vilages, Rancasari, Sub District, Bandung, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (7), 6729-6742
Siddiq, RHBA., & Komarudin, U. (2020)., Comparison of Road Overlay Layer Thickness Using The Components Analysis Method and Deflection Analysis Method on Roads Limbangan Malangbong,?International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,24(2), 3031-3036.
Siddiq, RHBA., (2019), Study of Railroad Crossing at Merdeka Street, Kiaracondong and Andir in Bandung City,?International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 6.5, 85-93
Siddiq, RHBA., and Anwar, A., (2019), Study of Potential Groundwater Aquifers with Schlumberger Configuration Geo-Electric Method in Palanggai Village East Sumba Regency, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 6.6, 171-81
Siddiq, RHBA., (2109), Prediction of Land Erosion by USLE Method in Dibawah Lake Catchment Areas, Solok Regency,?Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7.3, 70-76
Siddiq, RHBA., Hasan, F., Agustian, Y., Mayang, KSA., and Saudi, MHBS., (2019) Morphometry Study and Integrated Management of Dibawah Lake Watershed Solok Regency,?Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7.3, 19-26
3 Asep Setiawan, S.T., M.T. Asep Setiawan (2021),”ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF EXPANSIVE SOIL AGAINST DEFORMATION IN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS CIKAMPEK – PALIMANAN STA 166 + 650 TOLL ROAD”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.8 (2021),333-342
Setiawan, A., Akbar, S.R., Agustian, Y., (2020), Analysis of Subgrade Bearing Capacity Based on Field and Laboratory CBR on The Rehabilitation of The Karawang Road, West Java, Solid State Technology 63 (3), 3202-3207
Setiawan, A., Agustian, Y., Akbar, S.R., (2020), Design Of Retaining Wall In Landslide Areas (Case Study: Nagrak Street, Bandung Regency, West Java), International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Volume 24 – Issue 1, Pages: 4426-4438
Setiawan, A., Agustian, Y., Widyanto, B.E., (2020), Analyses of Flood Discharge Watershed and Their Handling, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (7), Volume 24 – Issue 7, pp. 5947-5961
Setiawan, A., (2019) Evaluation of Performance Non-signal Intersection on Telekomunikasi Road Intersection Terusan Buah Batu Road, Bandung ? West Java, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 7(3A), pp. 77 ? 85
Setiawan, A., (2019)Supply Chain Risk Analysis Concrete Material Ready Mix (Case Study: Mekarwangi Square Apartment Project, Bandung- Indonesia), International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 25-30
Setiawan, A., Akbar, S.R., Istambul, M.R., Agustian, Y., Saudi, MHBS., (2019) Effect of Work Safety and Health Knowledge on Construction Workers in Cawang-Tomang Cengkareng Toll Road Projects,?Civil Engineering and Architecture?7(3A): 1-6,
Setiawan, A., Barnadi, Y., Hirary, M., Martoni, (2019) Determination of Priority Scale Provincial Road Handling in Purwakarta District, West Java, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.33) (2018) 223-227
4 Bambang Eko Widyanto, S.T., M.T.. Widyanto, B.E., Akbar, S.R., Hasan, F., (2021), The Use of Hydrostatic Pressure as Lateral Pressure of Counterfort Wall Design and Soil Stability, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics EducationVol.12 No.8, pp. 945-950
Widyanto, B.E., Akbar, S.R., Hasan, F., (2020), Policy Suitability Among Three Sources Of Regulations To Support The Zero Run-Off Concept On The Discharge Of The Q 5 Flood In Crowded Area, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,24(2), 4600-4608
Widyanto, B.E., Akbar, S.R., Hasan, F., (2020), An Interpretation of Reversed Flow Curve In Hec-RAS 2D Time Based Cross Section, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,24(2), 4397-4404
Widyanto, B.E., Hasan, F., Akbar, S.R., (2020), The Use Of CERC Formula as Lateral Force Of Pile in Sea Water IntakeS Pile Analysis, Solid State Technology 63 (3)
Widyanto, B.E., Agustian, Y., Siddiq, RHBA., Hasan, F., (2019) The Effect of Land Use Towards the Increasing Number of Reynold and Sediments Transport Distribution in Cikapundung River, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), Vol
5 Fuad Hasan, S.T., M.T. Hasan, F., Agustian, Y., Siddiq, RHBA., Widyanto, B.E., (2021), Flood Impact Reduction Study By Applying Rainwater Harvesting In De Marrakesh Residential, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.8, pp. 1281-1286
Hasan, F. and Maudyna, A., (2021), Flood Water Level Modeling In Bukit Tiara Residential, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12. No. 8, pp. 305-315
Hasan, F., Arifin, M. F., (2020), Anggi District Channel Planning Using HEC-RAS Modeling, Solid State Technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 4, Publication
Hasan, F., Siddiq, RHBA., Agustian, Y., (2020), Studi Sistem Drainase Pergudangan Pajang Kota Tangerang, JITTER
Hasan, F., Siddiq, RHBA., Agustian, Y., (2019),Study of Drainage Plan for Pajang Warehousing Area Tanggerang City, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (7), Volume 24 – Issue 7, pp. 6243-6255
Hasan, F., Widyanto, B.E., Akbar, S.R., (2020), STUDY OF VALLE VERDE RESIDENTIAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN PASIRHALANG VILLAGE, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (7), Volume 24 – Issue 7, pp. 5947-5961, 4412-4420
Hasan, F., Widyanto, B.E., Siddiq, RHBA., (2019),Studi Respon Daerah Aliran Sungai Cimanyar Terhadap Berbagai Kejadian Hujan Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Terapan (JITTER), Vol 6 No 1
Hasan, F., Kardhana, H., (2019), Metode Rasional Modifikasi Di Sub-DAS Cimanyar, Seminar Nasional Teknik Sumber Daya Air
Hasan, F., Agustian, Y., Setiawan, A., Siddiq, RHBA., (2019), A Feasibility Study of Sub Terminal Stasiun Hall Bandung City Period 2009-2019, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.?Vol 6, Issue 5, 2019
Hasan, F., (2019), Study on Apron Facilities of Husein Sastra Negara Airport Bandung, Civil Engineering and Architecture 7(3A): 86-93, 2019
6 Sandy Radhitya Akbar, S.T., M.T. Akbar, S.R., Sunaryo, E., Setiawan, A., (2020) Palu Earhquake Case Study : Inducing and Principle of Its Countermeasure, Pal Arch’s Journal Of Archeology of Egypt17(5), pp. 2983-2998
Akbar, S.R., Sutarsa, M., Anjani, N., (2021), Runway PCN Design Through Several CPT Correlation With Faarfield, Pal Arch’s Journal Of Archeology of Egypt17(5), pp. 905-912
Akbar, S.R., (2020), A Case Study of Cantilever Concrete Wall for Slope Reinforcement at Batujajar, West Bandung, Solid State Technology 63 (3)
Akbar, S.R., Setiawan, A., Istambul, M.R., Siddiq, RHBA., (2019), Analysis of Control of Costs and Time with Earned Value Method on Road Maintenance Projects in Palmerah District, West Jakarta,?Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7 (3A), 27-34.